The 5th Year of Ph.D!
Tuesday one-on-one with the research advisor:
Boss: "So Maya, tell me..."
Me: "Over the past week I've been trying to... (experimental blah blah)"
Boss: "So you mean to say that this experiment you were doing did not work."
Me "Yes, Sir."
Boss: "And the one you did last week, that was a negative result too?"
Me: "Yes, Sir."
Boss: "And nothing with the RNaseH assay?"
Me: "Yes, Sir."
Boss: "So basically, nothing is happening."
Me: "Yes, Sir."
Boss: "You don't really care about what I say, do you?"
Me: "Yes, Sir."
:O !!! Didn't even realize I had said a 'Yes' to that until the damage had been done!!! :O
Thankfully, Boss was in a good mood today and let me off without the usual dressing down... 5th year effect rubbing off on him too I guess :D